About www.myjobforum.in
We are the team to help you out here for finding your suitable job advertisement.
We care about your future. We care your quarries.
www.myjobforum.in is a private and public Online Job portal of Assam and Northeast states. We always try our best to collect all the job related posts and vacancy notifications released in reference to help the job seekers of NE states. We collect our job related data from all online and offline job portals and place them together here in organized way so that people can easily get it and benefited through it. We would be ever grateful if people likes our posts and promote this blog so to reach to every one.
We care about your future. We care your quarries.
www.myjobforum.in is a private and public Online Job portal of Assam and Northeast states. We always try our best to collect all the job related posts and vacancy notifications released in reference to help the job seekers of NE states. We collect our job related data from all online and offline job portals and place them together here in organized way so that people can easily get it and benefited through it. We would be ever grateful if people likes our posts and promote this blog so to reach to every one.
For any queries or want to list a job related post in this blog or want to give job related information kindly mail us at myjobforum@gmail.com .